Sovena Feeding Futures

Feed Magazine nº10


Explore Sovena's latest developments and projects across different geographies.

Sustainability Report 2023

Through our strategy, FEEDING FUTURES FOR A PLANET THAT PROSPERS AND FOR PEOPLE THAT THRIVE, we have been able to respond to and anticipate major challenges while growing into new markets and businesses. Over the past three years, we have remained focused on contributing to global decarbonization, promoting efficient use of resources, protecting biodiversity, and strengthening relationships with our people and partners.

Thanks to all of you, we continue to expand our roots. Prepared for the coming years, we have initiated a new cycle with a renewed strategy that reflects our opportunity to thrive across the value chain, caring for all involved, and setting new sustainable goals to continue feeding futures. We invite you to read and share our recently published Sustainability Report 2023.

AESE Executive Development Program - Sovena Growing Future Leaders

Another edition of the Sovena Growing Future Leaders Program has recently concluded at AESE in Lisbon. Through this program, Sovena trained 35 executives in an initiative aimed at investing in internal talent and the next line of management. Congratulations to all!

Sovena Family Day

The 2nd Edition of Sovena Family Day in Portugal was a great success, with over 400 participants including employees and their families. We gathered once again at Herdade do Marmelo to celebrate and share moments of joy. The organization of this day would not have been possible without the Nutrifarms team.

Sovena USA also hosted the event in Rome, with around 150 people in attendance. Employees and their families enjoyed a wide variety of food, games, and activities.

In the same spirit, to continue fostering a closer relationship between the company and the families of our employees, we held a health and safety initiative at the Barreiro Industrial Unit. More than 80 people participated, and we were able to showcase what we do best through a factory tour and numerous activities, especially for the younger ones.

Proud to be Sovena!

Sovena Day - Factories in Portugal

So far, more than 360 employees have participated in Sovena Day! In the first semester of this year, we had the Sovena Day edition - Factories in Portugal. A day dedicated to our Palença and Barreiro Industrial Unit. Special thanks to the teams directly involved in making this day happen!

Photography Sessions for Sovena Group Employees

In February, we held photography sessions for all Sovena Group employees in Portugal. Sessions took place at various locations: Algés, Barreiro factory, Palença factory, Centazzi, and Lagar do Marmelo. In June, it was Spain's turn, with photography sessions at Brenes and Andújar factories.

The goal of these initiatives was to provide employees with an updated photograph suitable for various professional uses, such as LinkedIn, emails, among others.

We share with everyone the behind-the-scenes of the sessions in Portugal and Spain.

Making Off – Portugal

World Food Safety Day

World Food Safety Day, celebrated since 2019 on June 7, aims to raise awareness and encourage actions that promote the prevention, detection, and management of foodborne risks to ensure safe food for all consumers.

This year's theme was: Food Safety: Prepare for the Unexpected, emphasizing the importance of being prepared for food safety incidents, regardless of their severity.

Sovena Consumer Goods at the Barreiro Industrial Unit joined the celebration of the 6th edition of this joint campaign by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and WHO (World Health Organization) for World Food Safety Day 2024.

Workplace Health and Safety Campaigns

In Portugal's factories (Barreiro and Palença), the "April - Month of Safety and Health at Work" campaign took place throughout April. Several initiatives were developed to promote workplace safety and health, aiming to reduce the risk of work accidents and occupational diseases while promoting the health and well-being of employees.

To mark World Physical Activity Day (April 6), there were body balance sessions; World Health Day (April 7) was marked with a workshop "Let's talk about Health?" and quick massage sessions; and National Prevention and Safety at Work Day (April 28) was celebrated with "Safety Escape Room" sessions, basic life support training, fire extinguisher drills, and work at height training.

Brenes and Andújar Invest in Modernization and Sustainability

In our Brenes and Andújar factories, we continue to invest in modernization, leading in digitization, technology, health, and safety. The investment effort during this year is expected to exceed €2.5 million between both plants.

Sovena has also reinforced its commitment to sustainability by incorporating 100% renewable electricity sources into all its facilities in Spain. The Group, which began this transition process several years ago—already using green energy in all its factories, mills, and estates in Portugal, as well as in its Brenes factory in Spain—has recently obtained green electricity certificates for the Andújar (Andalusia) and Plasencia (Cáceres) factories, as well as for the Monteolivo and San Pedro mills (Jaén), ensuring that all its assets on the Iberian Peninsula use 100% renewable electricity.

Volunteer Action at Arquiparque - Participation in Elo Social's "Spring Games"

Elo Social - Association for the Integration and Support of Young and Adult Mentally Handicapped Persons, is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity, headquartered in Lisbon and focused on supporting people with mental disabilities, in the areas of training, employment, occupational support, and residential support, with the main goal of promoting their social integration and quality of life.

The "Spring Games" are an annual event promoted by Elo Social and in 2024, it will hold its 29th edition, under the theme "Games with Camels." In these inclusive games, involving people with disabilities, the elderly, youth, and children from schools, participation is expected from 400 to 600 people from the Lisbon region.

Every year, Sovena collaborates by donating some of its products, thereby contributing to the preparation of lunch for all participants. This year, a team of Sovena volunteers supported Elo Social in organizing the event, thus reinforcing Sovena's commitment to Diversity and Inclusion.

Solidarity Initiatives of Sovena USA

Once again, Sovena USA joined the "Go Red for Women" movement, with employees dressing in red to raise awareness about heart disease in women. The American Heart Association works tirelessly to increase awareness and raise funds for life-saving research on heart diseases.

In another effort to support the American Heart Association, Sovena USA employees participated in the AHA Heart, Run & Walk, a 5 km race that promotes heart health and raises funds to fight heart diseases in America. As suppliers of healthy heart oils, participation in this event reinforces the company's commitment to cardiovascular health.

Employees also participated in the third annual Earth Day cleanup, collecting waste in various areas near the headquarters in Rome, NY. This initiative is part of the company's mission to "Feed Futures" and contribute to a healthier planet.

Centazzi Celebrates 100 Years with New Brand Positioning

The Centazzi brand, owned by the Sovena Group since 2022, recently celebrated its centenary and unveiled a new logo adapted to reflect the visual identity of the Sovena Group.

The company, which owns the Salutem brand, a reference in the healthy food market, with over 500 products in the supermarket shelves, has been optimizing operational efficiency and quality through the implementation of new processes and adoption of the latest certifications.