Sovena Feeding Futures

A nossa estratégia

Feeding futures for a planet that prospers and for people that thrive

A assinatura Feeding Futures impulsiona o propósito da Sovena de acelerar a evolução da alimentação a nível global. Pretendemos ser uma referência mundial no sector alimentar, atentos às novas necessidades e tendências, dedicados a preservar o melhor que a terra tem para oferecer, fortemente comprometidos com o Planeta e as Pessoas.

A nossa estratégia Feeding futures for a planet that prospers and for people that thrive assenta no nosso propósito e conduz a Sovena a uma melhoria constante, desenhando caminhos cada vez mais focados, eficazes e adaptados às realidades, aos desafios e ao futuro que perspetivamos.

Em 2024 iniciámos um novo ciclo..

Pretendemos assegurar a prosperidade do negócio, fortalecendo os nossos alicerces, promovendo uma produção alimentar eficiente e circular, possibilitando o desenvolvimento dos nossos colaboradores e das comunidades envolventes, e potenciando as práticas responsáveis dos fornecedores e as escolhas informadas dos consumidores.

Neste âmbito, identificamos quatro elementos-base para a ação, as nossas Fundações:

  • Qualidade e segurança alimentar
  • Ambiente de trabalho seguro
  • Integridade do negócio
  • Inovação e desenvolvimento

… e três Pilares Estratégicos:

  • Produção eficiente e circular
  • Desenvolvimento profissional e bem-estar
  • Cadeia de valor responsável

Sob estes pilares, assumimos seis Compromissos e dezassete Objetivos

Para mais informação, consultar o Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2023

por um impacto Positivo

Our Contribution

Os nossos compromissos

Um passo em frente para enfrentar os desafios atuais e futuros, maximizando o nosso impacto positivo



Ensure the prosperity of our business, by strengthening our foundations, promoting efficient and circular food production, fostering the development of our employees and surrounding communities, and enhancing responsible practices among suppliers, while empowering consumers to make informed choices.

Strategic pillars


Efficient and circular food production
Professional development and well-being
Responsible value chain

Decarbonize our activities by reducing fossil fuel consumption, improving process efficiency, energy transition, and technological innovation

Promote the preservation and efficient management of natural resources

Foster an inclusive and balanced approach to all dimensions of employees’ life within the organization

Develop and value people through upskilling and reskilling in connection with local communities

Foster sustainable raw-material access and responsible environmental and social practices across the supply chain

Promote awareness for informed choices and the adoption of healthy and sustainable diets


By 2030

  • 10% reduction in GHG emissions (scope 1 and 2) until 2026 and 25% until 2030 (baseline 2023)
  • 7 industrial plants with self-consumed renewable electricity from on/off-site production
  • Conclusion of 8 R&D projects developed in partnership for deepening knowledge and finding solutions to decarbonization / circularity challenges

By 2026

  • 30% reduction in water consumption from third party suppliers
  • Efficient management of water, soil and biodiversity resources according to best practices for all existing and new farms

By 2030

  • Water and Energy Management System across all industrial plants

By 2026

  • Definition and implementation of an inclusion-oriented program in Portugal and Spain

By 2030

  • efr certification in 5 geographies

By 2026

  • 6 courses in an upskilling/ reskilling program (ext.)
  • 60 participants in upskilling/ reskilling executive programs (int.)
  • +90% leadership positions trained in sustainability
  • 180 students participating in Education Programs

By 2026

  • Foster discussion of key sustainability topics through the promotion of annual events, reaching +400 people per year

By 2030

  • Monitoring program covering 90% of top suppliers according to environmental and social criteria

By 2026

  • (PT) + 12,000 visitors to Lagar do Marmelo
  • (BR) + 1,200 people supported by the Revoa project
  • (USA) Promote consumer awareness about the benefits of olive oil through active participation and support in relevant annual community events

(Key enablers for action /
Our way of working)

Quality and Food Safety
Safe Workplace
Business Integrity
Innovation and Development

O nosso contributo

Our Contribution

Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) das Nações Unidas

Contribuímos ativamente para os Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) das Nações Unidas através da nossa estratégia e plano de ação, alinhando especificamente os nossos esforços com os objectivos em que as nossas acções têm um impacto mais significativo.


sovena core 1

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

sovena core 1

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent

sovena core 1

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns


sovena core 1

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

sovena core 1

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

sovena core 1

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

sovena core 1

Reduce inequality within and among countries

sovena core 1

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts